Latest Episodes
A Local Church
Why is a local church a necessity in the Christian faith? Elder Brent Amato dives deeper into how the Lord calls the church to...
Set Apart Pt. 1; The Day of Atonement
On this special day all people and things were given a new start. The burden of sin was taken outside the camp as garbage...
Milk or Meat; Baptism Sunday
Today we celebrate baptism Sunday! Baptism is a natural step in obedience to following Jesus. Biblical baptism is our public declaration of our private...
Invasive God Pt. 4; Sickness
Sin brought sickess and death into the world, but Jesus offers healing that goes beyond the physical and includes our spiritual lives as well....
Invasive God Pt. 1; Eating
This sermon explors the complexity of how God invades the very mundane areas of our lives by even having requierments of what we eat...
Discernment Pt. 5: Discerning Spirits and Demonic Influence Pt. 2
This sermon is a part 2 as it dives deeper into how to aproach spirits and demonic influence and discern them with a Godly...