Sermon Q&A: Why Does God Get So Angry in the Bible?

July 05, 2021 00:10:18
Sermon Q&A: Why Does God Get So Angry in the Bible?
Village Church East: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Why Does God Get So Angry in the Bible?

Jul 05 2021 | 00:10:18


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> welcome Speaker 1 00:00:07 To village church, sermon Q and a pastor Michael, here with you. I'm in the studio with pastor Craig and pastor Alex, July 4th, 2021. Uh, these two men preach a sermon on the golden calf, talked about anger and Moses's anger, God's anger. And one of the questions that came out of this is why does God get so angry in the Bible is non-Christians read the Bible. They have a very hard time wrapping their brain around God is love. And yet we see that God is also anger. So we talked about the four situations where God gets the most angry in scripture. These are unique things that really perturbed him. So Al Alex, your name's Craig. Craig, what is, what is the first one? Speaker 2 00:00:48 So, so the first one is when we, when we operate in creation in a way that it's not intended to function. So God put the world together to operate in a specific way, right? It's his creation. That's his deal. We operate within his parameters. There's certain things we can't do. Uh, we can't fly. We can't, you know, we can't defy gravity. God put, God's put laws in place that we have to go by. So when we operate outside of his parameters, that brings him to a place where he's angry, much like a parent and a child. Here's the boundaries that I want you to function in. And when, when the child moves beyond those boundaries, it moves the parent to, to anger. It's very similar concept. And so the three areas, I think that God gets most angry, that we abuse is the three areas would be murder, marriage and sexuality. Speaker 2 00:01:38 Anytime we take these bodies and abuse, the bodies of others, it becomes, it becomes something that makes God angry and you don't have to go far in scripture to find out the first time this happens in Genesis three, sin enters into the world. So, um, you know, Adam and Eve hide from God. When he shows up in the garden, they hide from each other. They put clots on themselves and they hide from God. And then right after that, we have the situation where their son kills their other son. And so there's an immediate entrance of sin that seeks to abuse the image of God in somebody else. And you can do that best when you take away that image and murder, or you abuse it in sexuality, or you abuse it in marriage. These are the three concepts where you, you hurt someone else the most. Speaker 2 00:02:25 And I think that makes God angry because it doesn't allow the image of God to be everything that it should be in you or in the other person. And it reflected out into the world. Exactly. So, so you can read passages of scripture where I, uh, those are, are involved in these situations, even all the way through to the new Testament. You know, be sure that that no adulterer is going to enter into the kingdom of God it's become. And then Jesus, with the sermon on the Mount same deal. You know, if you lost after a woman in your heart, as, as men or vice versa, you have committed adultery in your heart. He's trying to keep us away from those things. We would enter into, um, a situation where we take away the image of God in somebody else, the ability for them to image the ability that we have to image God in, in, in, in ourselves Speaker 1 00:03:10 As well. Yeah. Yep. So God and the world gets really angry. When aspects of Christian that reveal himself, we mess with them. You talked about murder, marriage, sexuality, correct. Craig, Speaker 3 00:03:22 Switch seats, Alex, good to meet you. What is the second thing that kids Speaker 4 00:03:26 Got up? Yeah. So God gets really, really angry about idolatry. So, and this is something we see again and again, this is what we actually just preached on, right? So the, the Israelites are at the foot of the mountain. They worship a false idol. They're, you know, dancing and dancing probably means more than just dancing, right? They are enjoying this idol just after God has saved them out of Egypt and has taken them and it's provided for them. And then this food is still running from the sky is raining down on them. And they're worshiping this idle and God's words are, let me alone that my wrath may burn hot against them. Right? Like he, he wants to unleash on them because he is like, he has specifically called these people out. And yet they have a, the Bible uses the illustration of adultery for idolatry. I know those two things sound similar, but, uh, God has covenanted himself to this people and they have willingly chose another God. And we watched the story, the old Testament again and again and again and again, they choose a different, okay, spiritual Speaker 1 00:04:33 Adultery, spiritual, their spiritual covenant. Speaker 2 00:04:36 It is amazing in the old Testament, how many times idolatry is crassly linked to sexual acts, even when it's not like it just a little idle on a shelf, God explains it as they are committing spiritual adultery. Speaker 1 00:04:52 You just wait for Satan though, to like get men, to give themselves over to these false religions. And you take the most base human instinct and you lure them with it and say, oh, come worship. This idol that'll make, that'll make God mad. Satan hates the Lord. And oh, I'll also have you abused your sexuality and that'll make God because God got me that to image his union with his people. So I'll mess with Speaker 3 00:05:12 That. And also have you murdered you sacrificed children. Oh wow. Speaker 1 00:05:16 That's the image of God. It's crazy how idolatry spiritual adultery is designed to provoke God on purpose. Like it's very, so what's the, what's the third a behavior that really, uh, anger's God I would Speaker 2 00:05:29 Say, but my phone just went off Speaker 3 00:05:32 Willful disobedience. That's right. I'm trying to keep them in order. So we don't get lost. William died. So this isn't, you don't have everything memorized all the time. You don't get up on Sundays with no notes ever. Yes. Speaker 2 00:05:45 Willful disobedience, this isn't maybe one of the easiest ones to pick out. Right. It's because we it's, when God says to do something and we say, no, no, thanks. I'm not going Speaker 3 00:05:54 To do that for my way. Which is we just understand when your kids are like, no, I'm not doing it. I'm going to gently speak to you. Right? Speaker 2 00:06:08 So, so anger is required in those situations, your, your, uh, willful disobedience is you literally saying, God, I know what you want me to do, and I'm not going to do it. And this is like I said, one of the simplest ones to figure out, because God has preserved his word so that we can look in there and find out how he does want us to live. Does he want marriages to be monogamous? Absolutely. You know, I know that I steal everything from the Bible it's in there, you know, does he want me to maintain my sexuality so that I can give it to my wife as a wedding gift as his wedding gift to us? Absolutely. It's right in scripture, I stole it from scripture. The church, Speaker 3 00:06:48 The church is saying, we Speaker 2 00:06:50 Like your messages. I've just gone. I just steal everything from God. Because when God says something, we do it. God is unchanging yesterday, today and forever, our culture will change the Supreme court's ideas about how we should live, will change. Um, the, what your school will tell your children that will change, but God doesn't change. So whatever we decide that we are going to function as in life and whatever we're going to believe and whatever principles we're going to follow, I would always suggest why don't you go to God first? The one who made you, who gave this life to you, who gave creation to us and figure out how he wants it to function as a crazy thought. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:29 Backwards. They saying, I agree Speaker 3 00:07:31 For not having your notes, man. You're ready to give a sermon on that. That was good. Well, well done. So Speaker 1 00:07:36 What's the fourth behavior. Last one that really pushes God to the edge of anger. Yeah. So Speaker 4 00:07:40 This is really interesting. God gets super angry when the weak are exploited. Uh, so you see this specifically with children and, uh, widows and orphans and the poor. Um, in fact, like in the book of Isaiah, uh, God starts addressing Israel for the things that they've done. And then like at the very beginning, one of the first things that he highlights is the way that they've treated the poor amongst them, because they have not cared for them. Well, because they've abused them because they've oppressed them. Uh, God is angry at Israel because of the way they've handled weak people, because God looks at them and says, you are weak. That's right. You were oppressed. You were orphans. I saved you. How yeah. Sierra, you treat the weak and oppressed and orphans like your tree. Speaker 2 00:08:27 And that carries over to the new Testament as well. Uh, I love that passage where it says you once were not citizens. You had no place to belong, but God has brought us in and created us to be citizens of heaven, you know, part of God's own household. And so that goes along with other passages in scripture where there's no Jew nor Greek, nor slave nor free, nor, you know, we don't categorize in the kingdom of God because all of us have been brought in through one purpose or through, through one means. And that is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And so we, we extend that same favor to others in the same way. So when we are selfish or greedy or hurt others so that we can climb on their backs and get higher, this is, this is definitely something that makes God angry. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:11 Why does God gets angry in the Bible? We said, when we mess with aspects of creation that reveal him, we talked about murder and marriage and sexuality idolatry, which is spiritual adultery. It's about willful disobedience. Uh, every parent can understand how that can provoke you to anger. And then lastly, when the weak are exploited and not protected, and I would just, I would end with this, if God, wasn't angry at these things, I would be concerned. Right. And so if your view of God is that God is love and only love and only ever love you're you're going to miss true God, because God is way broader Speaker 4 00:09:42 Than that. Love is not permissive. Right. Speaker 2 00:09:45 Right. And he's absolutely just to clarify. He's absolutely love all the time. Yeah. But as much as he is love all the time, he's he has anger, you know, he's fully all of these attributes at the same time. Speaker 1 00:09:57 He doesn't lie. Yeah. I'm processing that one. I agree now, Speaker 3 00:10:00 But I think I'm with you. I want to thank you for joining Speaker 1 00:10:02 Us. And next time we're going to answer a question. Is it true that the God of the old Testament is angry and the God of the new Testament is loving. We're going to address that next. So join us on village church, sermon Q and a.

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