Sermon Q&A: Could a New Testament Christian Walk into the Holy of Holies?

August 23, 2021 00:04:30
Sermon Q&A: Could a New Testament Christian Walk into the Holy of Holies?
Village Church East: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Could a New Testament Christian Walk into the Holy of Holies?

Aug 23 2021 | 00:04:30


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Speaker 1 00:00:07 A little short sermon, Q and a pastor Michael, here Speaker 2 00:00:09 With you. I am in the studio with pastor Craig and Speaker 3 00:00:11 On August 22nd, 2021 is that date right? Date is right. Will you preach the fourth sermon on our tabernacle series from the book of Exodus? So pastor Craig, I want you to imagine with me that you, you have a time Speaker 1 00:00:24 Machine now. I know you love hypothetical theological Speaker 3 00:00:26 Questions that are impossible in reality, but let's, let's go with it because I've thought about this quite a bit, and then it's rooted in scripture, right? Okay. Couldn't a new Testament, Christian, like a real Christian filled with the holy spirit under the new covenant. All that good stuff goes in. It goes in a time machine goes back in time. Could they walk into the holy of Holies? Now here's the scripture it's rooted in Hebrews four 16. Let us then with confidence drawn here to the throne of grace. So image to the, to the arc or God's throne was let us, let us then with confidence, draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Where if they, with confidence walked into the throne of grace, they would be obliterated by the glory of God in a, in a moment, hypothetically Craig, could we all right. Speaker 3 00:01:18 So first of all, let me clarify. I'm not huge on hypothetical. Why theological. This is what we do in seminary. Hypothetically, how many angels can dance on the head of a pit, prove me wrong. And so just to clear that up, first of all, um, so if I had a flux capacitor and I could go back in time at 88 miles an hour, could I walk into the holy of Holies? All right. So this question is really, for me, very difficult. It's like asking w can God make a stone so big? He can't move it. Right? There's something flawed in the question. Um, possibility of time travel. Speaker 3 00:01:56 Yeah. That's the main thing. Yeah. So suspend that the definition of Christian is Christ follower. Christ has not been revealed. So for a Christian to walk into the holy of Holies before Christ has been revealed, all of those things were a shadow of things to come. They were, they all pointed toward Jesus Christ. So there was a purpose for them. And the purpose was here's somebody coming, that's going to be a sacrifice once. And for all. So you don't have to do this anymore. Jesus, of course, once he died on the cross, the veil was rent from top to bottom. Mind you? Yep. So this is God's active work to destroy the barrier that lays between our sin and his holiness. And we have to walk, like we said, yesterday, we have to walk through blood to get to God. So in God's perfect timing, everything comes out correctly. So the question is flawed. Can a Christian walk into the holy of Holies? The answer is in Hebrews. We do walk into the holy of Holies. We walk into the presence of the holiest entity and that ever has been because we come through Jesus Christ. So you're telling me there's a chance. Speaker 3 00:03:04 I just, I, I like, I feel Speaker 1 00:03:06 Like, uh, what Hebrews four is actually pointing at is, Hey, Speaker 3 00:03:10 That like by Jesus, you get access. So hypothetically, but Jesus wasn't here. So you don't have access. Where was he then? Well, he hadn't been revealed. Okay. I get you. I didn't know if you're like a heretic right there in the moment in this hypothetical universe that does not exist, sacrifice needed to happen for that veil to be rent without that sacrifice the veil still up. I believe firmly that if we had a time machine, we could go back that I would, I would like I would with confidence go into the throne of grace. None of the spirit of God is with me and the blood of Christ transcends time. There is no blood of Christ. Oh, transcends Speaker 1 00:03:45 Time. Jesus was the lamb that was named for the foundation of the world. Right. Just saying, not saying, okay, now could you do me a Speaker 3 00:03:51 Favor? We did not prep this just to be crystal clear. Would you do your doc impression for me and for our house? Can you do it, Scott? We only did that video. Speaker 4 00:04:08 Michael, I just got back. I'm sending you the footage now, Speaker 2 00:04:11 Doc, you are a lifesaver. Thank you. All right. I want to let you back. We have more Speaker 1 00:04:16 Questions on sermon Q and a, and this is a little insight into kind of some of the things pastors, Speaker 2 00:04:20 Uh, theorize about. So God bless you for putting up with our shenanigans. Okay.

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